Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Don't get left behind

For many people, the day after Thanksgiving is just as exciting as Thanksgiving itself, simply based on all of those leftovers. I was recently asked how to use your Thanksgiving leftovers without pigging out time and time again.  As if one day of stuffing yourself isn't bad enough, people often do it the next day, and the next day, and the next day! Instead of piling up your plate with every indulgent dish that was put on the Thanksgiving table, make your leftover meal a healthier option! For example, use the leftover white meat turkey to make a sandwich or add a couple of the caramelized carrots to a salad. As far as those desserts go, send them home with your guests! There is no reason to eat all that pie night after night. Enjoy it once, and let it go. The holidays are about indulgence, just don't overdo it!

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Here's hoping your turkey was more stuffed than your Tiny Tummy! Pin It

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