Friday, March 1, 2013

Danielle Done Good

A few years ago, when I was following a low carb diet, I was constantly looking for chips to satisfy my crunchy craving, and I came across these. Since I'm a bit kookoo for for coconut, I had to try them, and let's just say both myself and Mommy Tiny Tummy were totally addicted. 

When I reintroduced whole grain carbs into my diet, I no longer relied on chips such as these to satisfy my crunchy craving, but they are still delicious nonetheless, so I figured I'd share them anyway. These chips also come in pumpkin, banana, and other fun, exotic flavors, though I've only tried the coconut ones. The nice thing is, they come in 2oz bags, so the portion control is basically built in for you. If you're a fan of coconut, I highly suggest these chips. Pin It

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