Monday, February 18, 2013


Ever since I first jumped on the jerky bandwagon, I have constantly been flipping labels on every pack to try to find the best stats out there, and let me be the first to say, jerky can be a jerk. The calorie, sugar, protein, etc vary greatly from jerky to jerky. Some have 0g of sugar while I've seen some with 9g. YIKES! Anyway, I came across this jerky, or "jerkee" which actually has pretty good stats.

Ostrim Jerkee, made from beef and ostrich, has 60 calories per package (which comes with two long strips), 1g of sugar and 10g of protein- not half bad! While, yes, there are other jerky's with more protein, they usually have more sugar and more calories, so it's all about finding balance, which I'd say these guys definitely have. Not to mention, the pre-portioned packages make them a great on-the-go snack that you can keep in your car or in your desk for emergencies. A clear winner in my book.

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