Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fry Me a River

French fries used to be my #1 guilty pleasure- I mean common, who doesn't love french fries? While the typical spuds are diet disasters, as they are soaked in grease and fried to oily oblivion, all fries don't have to be. In fact, fries don't even have to be made from potatoes! Here are my top 3 tips for making your own healthy, flavorful fries.

1. Bake, don't fry! Yes, I know. The name lends itself to frying, but a baking your fries with a little non-stick spray gets the job done. Or, you can even coat them in a little oil before baking- your choice!

2. Seasoned fries are happy fries- Well, coming from me at least- the queen of seasoning. But seriously, a little garlic and onion powder goes a long way- or you can stick to the conventional salt if you so please. Or, if you're feelin' frisky, make something exotic like Indian spiced fries (use a blend of cumin, coriander, turmeric, garam masala, curry powder, etc.- whatever you please)

3. Spuds are not your buds- Be unconventional! Try making fries from different vegetables! My personal favorite are squash fries, but you can also use carrots, jicama, turnips (another good one!), broccoli stems, etc. Don't be afraid to experiment! Pin It

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